Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skip to #6

I'll Run the Race   (Press On - The Wilds) 
Skip to #6

It's been almost a month. I am still in a bit of a time warp. On the way to church this morning I noticed that someone placed fresh flowers at First and Main. 

Typically these days, when I drive there is no talk radio, no radio period. Just silence. Perhaps I am listening.

On the way home from church/lunch, interestingly the music came on. Interesting because I had been driving in silence. Interesting because I rarely play a CD. And interesting because I thought that I had removed Roger's CDs when searching for just the right songs for his service. But the music was mellow and inspiring and just good, so I left it on. 

I came across the bridge and saw a runner. Though I did not recognize him, I whispered a prayer for his safety. The song changed to what turned out to be #6 "I'll Run the Race" and the words caught my attention and made me wonder what Roger might have been thinking about on that last block of sidewalk between North St and First Ave. I often look that way when I drive into town. perhaps hoping that this is a dream and I will see him. I wondered if the message in this song might have been on his mind, because nothing that we have uncovered has led us to think that his passing was anything but something that happened in an instant. Perhaps I was listening. 

As I came upon 1st Ave, the words changed to "....To Him, His every wish I'll bring, till Jesus calls me home."   Oh my goodness! Right at the corner,  and yes, I got my little self right off of Main Street and pulled over not only to cry a bit, but to thank God for giving me those words at that moment in time. 

Of course we will never know what was taking place in those last moments before Roger left us, but this song is so wonderful, and maybe at this moment in time, I was actually listening. Listening for a message far more important than most of the superficial things we listen to on this earth.

I could not find the lyrics online, so I played the track over and over online until I had the lyrics. Oh boy, that was both tough and inspiring. 

Here's the track, in case I ever lose the CD. (CD is from Press On, The Wilds....who knew that sponsoring someone for the summer would lead to such an amazing song) 

But the lyrics say so much. And I even find it difficult to find a contemporary song that is quite so inspiring and deep. Not many repeats here! Thank you to The Wilds ( ) for sending this CD as a thank you, even though I viewed it at the time as a promotional product. 

Now, when reading the lyrics, also visualize them. Then listen to the soundtrack and visualize as you listen, then read them again.

I'll Run the Race
The date is set, the time has come, the witnesses arrived.
The course is marked, the men prepared, all ways are set aside.
Positions are assumed and taken
Energies now re-awakened
Empty thoughts are all forsaken
I must win the prize!

I'll run this race with patience, I'll run this race with joy
I'll fix my eyes on Jesus' face
The One who saved me by His matchless grace

My course is set, my God designed it, all for His great cause
I will not live for selfish gain, or die for men's applause
My Savior, Lord ~ My Passion King,
To His every blessed word I'll cling
To Him his every wish I'll bring
Till Jesus calls me home

(Repeat Chorus)

I have the Great Commission, the Lord is all I need
He has already won the vict'ry,  from sin I have been freed
Oh Lord, I must be faithful, in every word and deed

Oh Yes...
I'll run the race with patience, I'll run the race with joy
I'll fix my eyes on Jesus' face, the One who ran before
 ~ The one who set the course
~ The one who saved me by His matchless grace. 

Oh .....what a burst of emotion this presents. I wonder now, how I will do when I read this one year from now.  Roger really did pace himself. He did the things that he felt were important in life. 
This song speaks to me about him. 
"Clinging to every blessed word"...oh my, he loved Bible trivia and would constantly stump us on things like every blessed little word. 
"Till Jesus calls me home" ....I just have to believe that this is exactly what happened. 

Roger's Lesson for today....I am quite confident that it is to know what is in the Bible and to treasure each and every word.  But more than that, I expect that he would be telling us to be quite sure we don't just know about the author, but that we KNOW Him.....

So, I know what my vision is of his last moment here. And I think that what he saw was Jesus calling him....right now.  Yes, sadness on my part, loss on my part, but oh, what glory for him.
I'll keep trying to 'do well' Roger! 

1 comment:

  1. Judi, your quest to look for the best lesson in everything concerning your great personal loss is amazing. Praying for you as you continue to find and settle into your different normal. You are inspiring.
