Cuddle Me! |
Kellen is a little white toy poodle. He is blind, and a little big snugly toothed, and has a yelp that is something like nails across a chalk board, but he is precious. He is Karin's rescue pup and he adores her. He mostly loves to cuddle and sleep and definitely does not like rain. (I think he could 'hold it' forever if the rain lasted that long!)
For someone who DOES NOT like dogs in my house, I think that I have become not only tolerant, but quite gracious to have this pup on the underside of my roof for some time now. Whomever trained this pup, did an amazing job of it though, and this is the reason he can stay. They also trained him very well when he needs a bath, for it is not only possible, but easy to handle it in a few quick the kitchen sink. Yea for little pups, and yea more for little pups who are calm and don't shake water all over my kitchen!
Kellen is missing something with his bath time now. Yes, he has to find his 'new normal' just like we do. At bath time, Kellen is used to having himself lathered up, then rinsed with warm water, then wrapped in a fluffy towel, straight from the dryer. Oh, there is more. And then, all bundled up and snuggly, he is used to being held by Roger ... oh and talked too ...'good boy'....while all of the wetness gets soaked up by that warm fluffy towel.
New normal. Lather, rise, bundled in a towel (not warm), held only until determined to be dry enough, on the floor, shake a little, do some kind of funny little dog dry off, go back to sleep.
Don't call me Dr. Doo-little.
We always got such a kick out of watching Roger walk this little doggie. Big, tall, the shiny black shoes....tiny, white, toy poodle...on a leash. I guess you just had to see it. It was all in the way he held the leash!
It is good to have a memory that makes you laugh...and love.
Does Roger have a Lesson in this? Oh, probably. I bet it is something as simple as..."dogs need people too." In almost 41 years of marriage, we never had a dog of our own. Many reasons, but mostly selfish on my part. But watching Roger with this pup, you would never know that he did not have pups every day of his life. There was just something intuitive there.
He was a really good 'people' for this little doggie. Kellen had it really great...while it lasted.
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