Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Missing my Historian

No, I'm not preaching or going all political tonight. I am just missing Roger's take on current events and Bible prophecy. He was fascinated with current events, politics and the reasons behind decisions that were being made, and Scripture. He studied all the time, but not in that paper and notes all over the place kind of way. He had a practically photographic memory, so if he read it, he generally remembered it.  I, on the other hand have to write it down or it is gone gone gone - fast! Different kind of learners! 

In Downtown Winter Garden, I wandered into the new Zion's Hope bookstore. This is Marv Rosenthal's baby, the man who originally came up with the Holy Land Experience right here in Orlando. Back in the day, it was not profitable, but it surely was interesting - Roger especially loved the Scriptorium and the model of Jerusalem. He was fascinated with Jewish history and merged that knowledge into his teachings of World War II and todays current events. And Marv publishes this neat little magazine and now has a community Bible study. He would have loved it! 

Right now, I can't even believe that I have no clue what is going on in the Middle East, or in hurricane alley, for that matter. I don't turn on the tv much these days, unless it is for noise, and then it is HGTV.  I always thought that I loved politics and history and current events. I am finding out that I loved talking with Roger about politics and history and current events. 

In Life Groups we are in Ezekiel, going over the Babylonian Captivity - three waves of it. This would make for such interesting conversation with Roger! His favorite books of the Bible were Ezekiel, Daniel and The Revelation. 

I will say this - he looked forward to eternity. He loved watching the signs of the times, and he believed that we were definitely picking up speed toward that day when Jesus returns.  He never stopped living, but he did keep his eyes on the Eastern Skies! 

I always thought he would have made a most amazing history teacher. I guess he was one actually - on a one to one basis, to anyone who had the same interests or wanted to know more. I'm glad that I love history and we enjoyed the same things. I'm sure that love will return in due time. 

He would have signed up right away for our Pastor's trip  to the Holy Land for next year. It was one trip he really wanted to take - but only with Bro. Clayton.  Today I found out that Bro. Dexter is going. Wow - that would have been some rip-roarin' trip with those three on board!  I guess he actually has a much better seat now - and definitely more leg room! 

Part of me wants to flip on the news and find out what is going on - and then I just can't. Not yet. You can't really listen to the news - and the spin - and get much out of it when you are crying.  

Roger's Lesson: He would tell me to keep studying but to always remember to take what I hear on tv and radio and line it up with the truth I read in the Bible. He would say that people have the right to believe whatever they want about 'end times' and 'eternity' and all of that. But he would also add that if you don't believe, and end up wrong because the Bible is correct - think where you will be. But if you believe, and then find out that the Bible is not correct - well, really, would you be worse off?

All in all, good food for thought. 

We both believe the Bible is true, from God, and that you can't really pick and choose the parts you like. Two decisions in life are most important - who you marry, and where you will spend eternity - the rest, you can make adjustments on to some degree. He made pretty swell decisions on both counts, I think! 

And yes, he is probably wondered if I was REALLY listening (and remembering) when he explained about the Medes and the Persians and all of those old guys. I could have been more focused, but that photographic memory is a nice thing to have as well! 

I'll get back to it, current events, I promise. Election season is coming around. I am already praying for our candidates and for the heart and souls of our leaders. But for the grace of God, I think we are in pretty tough trouble here, but then, this is a journey, this earthly thing.  It is practice for a wonderful eternity - a great one, if we decide rightly. God's gift, available to all. John 3:16

Yes Roger, your quick exit reminds me daily that when the trumpet sounds and Jesus fills the Eastern Skies - I will exit just as fast as you did. No, faster, because I will not make a stop at the ER.  Anxiously awaiting, darlin'!

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