Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

To The Moon and Back

 "I see the moon and the moon sees me. God bless the moon and God bless me."  How often I recited that little poem with my mom when I was a little girl. 

There is just something about the moon. It so far out there in space, and yet, like tonight, almost seems like it is so close to the earth that one could reach out and touch it. 

It is really cool if you can get away from all the ambient light that fills our world - that includes the light from cell phones but especially things like street lights, outdoor landscape lighting, and even the glow of lights from parking lots.  Even in my rural area, it is not what it once was when darkness falls. It is so very hard to see a brilliant moon, much less the stars. 

Ah, but back in the day - around 1973 - we used to take the hard top off of that green 1968 Corvette and drive through west Orlando. Coming down Maguire Road was like taking a road into the vast unknown. It was two lanes, not a street lamp to be found, and surrounded with orange groves that were oh so fragrant at certain times of year.  We would make our way into Windermere, take a sand road over to what would one day become our little piece of heaven, right here on earth, and sit under the big ole camphor tree and just enjoy the stars - and the moon!  We could see it so wonderfully across Lake Butler. Of course, it was generally so dark, that if you did not know there was a lake out there - well, you better not take a walk!  Back then we could see the lights from Cinderella's Castle near the shoreline - but that was about the only light out there. 

It always reminded me about being a light in the darkness. In all of that darkness, you could see the Cinderella lights even though they were quite far away.  We can't see them today, in 2014. Nothing has changed regarding topography or distance - only the light has changed. And not in a good way. 

Rather like when I was gazing down from the airplane a week ago - wondering what it might be for Roger to be looking down on us - but also thinking about how God not only looks down and sees the big picture of our lives, but sees into our town, our home, and even into our hearts.   Sitting outside and looking up tonight, well, straining to see the brightness of that moon, I  have similar thoughts. 

I guess we always ponder that ever elusive question - WHERE is Heaven?  When I was a little girl, I thought it was on the moon. Then man walked on the moon and did not find Heaven. Shook up my little world!  But then I discovered that the Universe was so much larger than just the distance from here to the moon.  And as I grew (in wisdom and knowledge of Christ) - I came to understand that as vast as the universe is, there is so much more, and it does not matter the physical location of Heaven. Rather, what matters is that I understand the vastness and depth of God's love for me. His care for me as an individual - and that he is 'far out there in the universe, and yet right here with me at each moment.  Hard to fathom, I know. That's where faith and trust come in. 

But, that is what I am thinking about tonight. I'm wishing that Roger could be outside with me and we could be enjoying this Super Moon together. (Super Moon - when the moon is the closest to earth - and the tides are higher too!) Every full moon is not a Super moon - but each full moon is special.

I can't find Roger's little firefighter calendar with the 3-color dates, so I don't know if it would be his shift tonight or not. (If Scott is working, it is his shift!)  I do know this thought - if this were his shift tonight, he would pop in wide awake and cheerful on Sunday morning and say "WOW - It was a full moon last night and the crazies were out!"  -  He said that on EVERY full moon, whether he worked that shift or not.    Evidently some of the most absurd calls seem to come in on full moon nights. I guess only a first responder could understand that! 

Roger's Lesson:  Oh, about full moons, he would definitely be saying - "Don't be out tonight when the moon rises - The Crazies come out on Full Moon nights!"  
And he would make sure his girls were safe and sound inside, where he had an eye on things.   
And he would mean that we should be aware of where danger lurks and stay away from it. 

What he was doing was being our protector - seeing that we were safely away from danger when people were not quite paying attention to what they were doing.  Maybe that is what he meant by 'the crazies'   (Maybe I need a firefighter to explain that one to me) 

I'm inside, it is quiet. I'll go to sleep tonight praying for first responders - especially those at KSC where some of the most absurd things happened for Roger on full moon nights.  They keep watch all through the day and the night time too. They do a great job.

But it is not as great as the job God does, because He cares about each of us more than any of us can fathom. Bigger than the universe!   This verse is so special tonight - 
"Casting all your cares upon Him - for He careth for you" I Peter 5:7 
Yes, He does. Day after day and moment to moment. So blessed. 

This is the July 12, 2014 Super Moon from my point of view. 
For some reason, neighbors turned off their lights tonight! 
Look how bright! 

This one is for Roger, and my first one without him. 

I love you!  To the moon and back! 
Always have. Always will. 

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