At first glance, this could be Kristin. This could be 1983. It isn't.
One of the really fun parts of being a grandparent is that almost constant deja'vu feeling that you get every time you watch a grandchild run and play. Or sit quietly. Or enjoy holidays.
Sometimes you just have to do a double take and look in a mirror.
That is when you see a much older face and you realize that you are watching your grandchild, and not your child.
Time flies. It passes so quickly. The older we get, it somehow seems to fly by even faster.
I am always fascinated with this western view of time. It is kind of a theme that comes back to me time and again, as if it is something I am determined to figure out.
Lately, I've come to think that it is a waste of time, pondering this stuff. Time is elusive.
I've wanted to 'freeze-frame' so many things this past Christmas. I want them to remain like living snapshots in my mind. I want to hold onto that warmth of family, the laughter, the pure joy of just enjoying being in the presence of one another.
Roger's family is a lot of fun. I don't know why I said "Roger's" because from the day I met them, I kind of owned them too. They are a lot like my family, full of cousins. The difference is that this group pretty much grew up in the same home town and it is almost like they all lived in the same house. They are crazy fun!
It is a lot like that with my GA cousins....the ones that grew up together, near one another. It is like time never stops with them. And in the few times I ever get to visit, it is much like that with me. I feel like we can just pick up where we just left off....and yet it might have been 30 years.
Is this unique to all families? I wonder.
I had this moment in time, after Roger departed, where I was so sad thinking that this part of our lives might just drift away. Roger's family. Yet, oh, so thankfully, it didn't. Christmas was special in an extra special way.
We definitely missed Roger's laughter and I so loved the cousins telling their funny Roger stories. He made everyone laugh, that's for sure. I did not even meet Roger until he was almost 30, but I bet he was a real mess....well, mess in a fun those younger days.
I'm quite confident that I met the more mature version of Roger! Yet, he still had a lot of fun left in him! I enjoyed 42 years worth!
No, we didn't get to visit with the entire family. As with most families these days, they get scattered across the country. It is so hard to get everyone in one place at the same time. I am so thankful though for the times we have together.
I am so thankful that Jacob and Emily get to enjoy that fun, even though they are way younger than most of the cousins. It is so special the way that God puts families together.
I would wish for all people that they had loving families to embrace. I know it is not that way, and it is heartbreaking - but God could put it all together again, if allowed. Ah, the challenge.
Roger's Lesson: Live and Laugh and Linger. It's ok to be the last to leave when you are around people who live life to the fullest and for the right purposes. Fill your life with family and friends who choose that!
Yes, we have eternity to look forward to and when these Polish cousins are all gathered together again....I think it is going to take a pretty huge banquet hall!
I forgot to check the dinner table....I wonder if Kielbalsa was left over? If Roger had been present, I know there would not have been.
I do know that Jacob and Emily did their part to pick up where Ro-Ro left off though!
Treasure the Memories
He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.
This makes me feel warm and cozy and smile. Thank you for sharing. Have a sweet day and hug all of your babies for me.