For April, it is still remarkably cool - at least in the early morning. One thing that I have missed is my mornings in the garden. Therapy. I just love the quiet and if you are really quiet when moving around, the birds will sing.
This spring I have fewer trees. Those grand old oaks have long since been turned into mulch. As much as I miss them, I know that age and disease would have landed them on the house. I enjoy the beautiful Live Oak that Mike planted for us. It will be grand one day too, but not soon enough for me to worry about it landing on the house!
Fewer trees also means fewer squirrels. I can not say that I miss the little rodents though. I am still on guard though, because I have peaches in the orchard. OK - on the one peach tree - it is loaded, and the other one has one peach. It is just a baby.
I have enjoyed the bumble bees that have a hive in the top of the lone standing oak. They got all bothered last year during the 5K, vibrations, I would guess. Perhaps I can warn them that it is upcoming?
The main thing I have missed this year is the cardinals. Roger and I always enjoyed watching the cardinals and last spring I saw more of them than ever, and all the time. I called them my little messages from Heaven, that all would be fine and life would continue to be a blessing. And it is.
This year though, I have found myself wondering about those beautiful birds. I just longed to see one. Not the lovely posts of photos that I enjoy, but a real, live bird. Karin told me that she sees them all the time. Maybe I need to get out more?
Finally some energy has returned and that word 'fatigue' is something in the back of my mind. Yes, I know it will return with each treatment, but for the moment, I am embracing that lack of fatigue. I am working hard to 'be good' and avoid things like climbing and bending. So I walk slowly and carefully and sit when I would rather just bend over.
Yesterday I pruned all of the plants in pots. I knew that the raised bed (or pot) idea was brilliant and wish now that I had actually done what I talked about! Oh, it felt good to have pruners in my hands. It felt better to be outside pruning my flowers with two wonderful young men in the yard who were attacking weeds and leaves for me. It felt good because if I had gotten into trouble, they were nearby! And they are precious too!
Today I ventured out to the orchard....which consists of two peach trees, two plums, a citrus and two amazing figs. I shall fight the squirrels over the fruit, but if the cardinals arrive, they can have all they want!
In the stillness of the morning, I heard it. The song of the cardinal, and there she was, in the plum tree. A sweet little female. Roger loved the female cardinals. He said that they were protecting their babies. I loved the bright red ones.
Roger's lesson: God takes care of even the little birds in the garden and He has, and will take care of you. You don't need the cardinal to remind you of that - you have lived it. Go about living and take care of your babies.
That's right. He did, and He does, and He will continue to do so. And my babies....oh, they are doing a quite amazing job of taking care of me right now. It just does not seem that it should be that way, but their daddy would be so proud of them.
Well, he always was and always will be....and one day, he will tell them so!
Tweets.....a message from Heaven.
Treasure the Memories
He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.
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