Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Caught Speechless

May 15, 2015

It started out like an ordinary day. It was "the day after."  After Zometa.  That typically meant a fair amount of pain and the desire, if not need, to stay curled up on the couch all day.

I did rest yesterday, but it did not help as much as I had hoped.  I got up today, but went back to bed.  The alarm reminded me that I had an appointment. A lunch meeting. I had agreed a week ago, because it fit Mitch's schedule - super busy that he is these days. It was important. About travel.

But this morning, travel did not seem all that important to me. Thank goodness Karin suggested a little trip to the Farmer's Market. I got up for her - so she could get coffee.  But seriously - I could have easily remained in bed.

Roger's Lesson:  Get upright. Most of the time if you just get up and moving, you will feel better than you did when you thought that rest was what you needed. Wrong. It is what you desired.  Get around people and you will feel better - and surprising things will happen during  your day. 

Yes, I did sort of hear his voice in my ear this morning. Thankfully, I listened. And acted.

Market. Check √.  Shower and dress. Check √.  In the car and moving forward. Check √
oh...meds taken - and vitamins - Check √.  TMA / Lunch. Check √

Lunch was nice. Travel plans resolved. We dodged the rain and I was asked to wait while he parked the car. Sure, I can always find someone to chat with - even though I really wanted to find a couch.  
"Come - I want to show you something in the gym" - ok, I strolled over, thinking that since I was halfway there I could go visit Rachel. I missed her on the last trip to TMA.

New stuff in the gym - nice -  the TMA gym always looks grand. One of the best gyms in town, if not the best, in my personal opinion.  I love the way God provided the money for that gym. Best part of the gym story!

"Here - sit here for a minute" -- all of a sudden something seemed odd. I was planning to go home after lunch and Mitch was trying to get me to stay.  Odd. Indeed.  Different people stopped by to chat, so I did not think about it too much at the moment - but now, I can see that 'plan.'  

It is so interesting the way you can see things in hind-sight even when they were right in front of your face in the moment. I have been absorbed lately in really appreciating that I have been able to see God's hand in things sort of 'in the moment' as some big decisions were being made. I had forgotten about hind-sight. I surely missed the 'in the moment' part today!

And I was not very focused, when perhaps I should have been.

Oh no - awards ceremony was about to begin. How was I going to get out and not be distracting. This is the kids day -  well, I have known some of the kids since they were little bitty, so it would be fine to stay - except that I was getting very tired.

And then it began....I heard the welcome and then words like "founder' and "25 years" and then art teacher. What?
I actually enjoy listening to Dr. Harris tell Fine Arts stories. He makes them sound so funny.  Things that I thought were so serious at the time....he makes me laugh about them. Laughter is good.
Interesting start to a high school awards event....perhaps he is going to mention the new building and tell when the groundbreaking will be.

Yea! I can't wait for that day. I heard about it when I was just out of the hospital and I have to admit that the idea of seeing dirt turned over for a Fine Art building had me so excited that I just knew it would be one of those things that would keep me pushing so I would live to see it.   And hopefully experience it. I even asked if I could please be invited on that day! (That is a whole other story called 'death of a dream'....and for another day. )

But no....he was not talking about dirt.
It is not often that I am totally clueless about things that are happening either - but boy, I missed a lot this time!
It is not often that I am left speechless, but Dr. Harris got me today.

This is the most amazing thing and nothing I would have ever considered happening.  This never crossed my radar, for sure!

This new building - this is about the kids  - and the many parents and friends who support those kids in their efforts to develop the talents God placed within them.

The seniors will graduate and those who follow will get to enjoy this new building. Those who went before - dreamed, and graduated, and many who even have children at TMA today - those are the ones who created the need for a building.

And the teachers who train up these young talents - art, music, drama - have huge jobs, but huge rewards, for they will get to see the young talent bloom and grow.

For the evening, I got to enjoy the TMA production of "Cinderella" - the original version.  It is so sweet to enjoy those shows with my family, children and grandchildren. Live anything always beats video! I am thankful they enjoy live theatre as much as I do.

Another blessing was getting to enjoy dinner and the show with 'other family' - TMA family. When you work together and grow together - you get to say family.  And a blessing for another reason...when you get to help discover talent...and then get to watch that talent grow....well, that is a pretty big blessing.  And it was special, Tiffany, to see you coming full circle -TMA grad, Rollins grad, and back to TMA to assist the next generation.  True generosity!

I still have not absorbed the happenings of this day.  I feel so humbled and it feels totally weird to have my name on anything, much less a theatre. But I also feel so blessed. I feel so blessed by the many lives - kids and adults - that I have met through this place where God chose to plant me.  I am so thankful that it was the right place for educating our own children, for I would not have been there otherwise - for their needs came first.  I am thankful for the many friends they made there and the way they grew.  I am thankful that Roger was supportive and involved for so many years, because he believed in this crazy idea of starting a school.  I am thankful for a man (Pat) who took a chance with a crazy teacher and just said - "go do it' "Make it happen" - without hovering!  Talk about trust.

TMA has grown in almost 30 years, much like the students have. God has blessed and I have no doubt that as long as He remains most important in a student's education, that TMA will continue to be blessed. My prayer for the teachers, students and leadership is that they always strive to prepare the whole student, and to do it with God's leading. Always.  God has plenty of blessings to go around.

And I guess that  my message in all of this is to have a vision.  Try to see something that others do not see. Push kids to go beyond what they think is possible. Teach them to work like a professional even though they have not achieved that status yet. Invest in people who have a passion and are willing to let God lead.

And most of all - trust God.  He may not do things in our timing, but He does things when HIS timing is perfect.

And as soon as all of the red tape is resolved....TMA is going to have a groundbreaking.
And I hope they tell me in plenty of time, because there are a whole lot of TMA fine arts alumni out there who need to be there!

And I hope they have a whole lot of shovels.

And as much as I am so humbled about the Theater - I am ever more excited for the students and families who will enjoy this great new adventure at TMA!

(Check out the building plans at

You never know what God is going to bring your way in the course of a day.

Even a very tired day!

1 comment:

  1. Judi, this is a wonderful post. I am excited for you and for TMA and for the thrill of seeing the vision well on its way and for enjoying its fruits along the way.
