Why can't I sleep when I have to be up for a very early appointment? I am absolutely sure that it has something to do with "Game Day in the Grove"
Now, I knew that this had to do with Ole Miss and that Roger's "little" cousin Zach had decided to spend his college years there. (Just like my Sam! Yea! Ole Miss!) But I had no real idea that it had anything to do with football - except that I did think that tailgating and football might go together.
And so...yea for GOOGLE!
Thanks to Google Images, I know now that I need to wear red and be dressed up a bit. Not a problem, I have red Bling. Now, will I look cutesy in that southern kind of way? Don't hold your breath!
This I do know - Barbara (the mama) is going to throw a grad party like no other - because that is just what she does! All out! Memorable! Love it! I am equally sure that she will have southern fixin's that would make Roger OH SO HAPPY!
He loved football and especially College football. Did not care as much about the Pro's. He knew about a whole lot of teams and only a very few people on the planet seemingly knew that he actually had a favorite team. And wouldn't you know it, that it was his three girls that let that little secret slip out. Of course, we did not know it was a secret! And it actually was not the team he liked, it was the coach and his life philosophy.
Occasionally I would sit down and watch a game with him. It would not be long into the game when he would say "Could you stop asking questions so I can watch this game?" WHAT! Oh - I asked the same ones the last game. Who knew?! You get it or you don't I guess, but I enjoyed being in the room with him - and watching the halftime show.
It should be fun at Zach's party. I can see it now. Everything decked out in Red and Blue. (Roger's team is Red and Black) Mostly, I wonder how Barbara is going to get all of those Gator Fan members of the family to dress in anything but Blue and Orange!
I can see it now. Roger would have on a red polo, his navy pants and his shiny black shoes. I shall wear red with bling, probably black (only because I don't own navy) and comfy shoes of some sort. I will try to speak slowly and overly enunciate my words as I drawl them out. I'll have to add a few extra vowels as well. I can hardly wait!
Of course, if anyone talks football, I will not have a CLUE what they are talking about. But Roger would. I never know the score and I never know who is supposed to be the winner. My favorite color is who I cheer for. (Who wears teal? That's my team!)
But the best part of the day will be family. Roger's family, our family. He was uniquely blessed with some pretty sweet (pretty AND sweet) cousins ...first, second, third.... and the guys are pretty swell too!
Roger's Lesson: I have no idea on this one, but I know that he may be having a great time in Heaven, but he is going to miss out on one pretty great gathering today. And we will miss him too! He would probably say that I should at the very least know who is playing. OK. Ole Miss and someone else.
But this day is about Zach, and his achievements and his goals, and his expectations for the future. God has all kinds of possibilities for him, as he does for each of us, graduating from high school all the way through graduating into Social Security. All you have to do is to be tuned in to Him and to be aware of those doors of opportunity in your path. (Yes, talking to self here - God has a plan - I need to keep paying attention)
Congratulations to Zach - and to the many young people who have crossed my path and are graduating this month - the future holds so much, just don't waste it by chasing things that do not matter in light of eternity. Remember Your Creator in the Days of your youth......Eccl. 12:1
And check out the rest of that passage when you get a chance!
Now to figure out how to look all sweet and southern like these girls.
Hmmmm. More my style.
Kristin can pull this one off!
Go Rebels!
Treasure the Memories
He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.
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