Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Never say Goodbye....Pan

There is a full moon tonight. I always loved the full moon because I could look outdoors at midnight or in the wee hours before daybreak and enjoy the wonderful shadows from the magnificent Camphor tree that were cast on the lawn. It must be the artists' eye...... no one else seemed to understand. 

Roger always said that the full moon always meant the crazies were out. I think that must be a fire department concept. He did seem to always come home with the craziest stories - and always after a full moon shift. I miss those reports. 

There was always one full moon that Roger loved though, and it was at Disney. When they did the reno on the Peter Pan ride, I think they changed up the moon - and he never enjoyed the new ride as much as the old one. In fact, Roger never enjoyed anything new as much as he enjoyed the older version. 

Not knowing exactly what this day would hold for me, I was especially thrilled that I had a really good team of friends who were offering up some extra prayer support today. I was not sure if I was going to cry all day, or just be safe and stay in bed all day, or just push through it all. I decided to just try my best to take it moment by moment. 

Starting out with an early morning visit to school was a good thing. I got to watch Jacob receive his prized award at the end of year assembly. I can not even believe that it is the end of another school year. By boy is growing up too too fast!   After dropping Emily, who is getting very long-legged all of a sudden, off at school, I headed for my chalk box. 

I was up to it. Art is always good therapy for me and the day was not too hot at 9 AM, so why not go sit on the sidewalk for a while? It was an interesting morning. I had all the supplies loaded up on the golf cart, and some on the sidewalk. It was swept clean and the surface was prepared for another layer of chalk.  The Mayor stopped to chat and told me about the recent happenings in DC. (I rarey watch TV news anymore. I pray for those running our country but I just don't even care about all the arguments any more - maybe I will later - I have a lot of faith in my Congressman and that is where I focus my prayer energies)   Over the course of the morning, several people stopped, either in cars or on golf carts, to see if I was ok. I was on the ground, after all. Not a normal sight. 

A couple of runners stopped and chatted and asked if they could take a photo. And two interesting ladies stopped, then returned at the end of my day, and then came back with cameras. This was quite the interesting morning, to be sure. I rarely talk to this many people in the course of a day, let alone a morning. It made me wonder if Roger was nearby, drawing these people in.  Crazy, right?  
Then one of the 'interesting' ladies started asking me a lot of questions, then told me that she talked to angels. And told me Roger was standing right behind me and she could see him.  Hello --- candid camera? Crazy tv show?  I am just a little too conservative for all of this stuff, but it did give me something to think about. 

I thought about Peter Pan and started to analyze why Pan was a fav of Roger's.  Maybe it was because he was forever young. Pan did not grow up. Roger did, but he was forever young.  Pan loved Wendy but she was not as adventurous as him. She knew that growing up was part of life. She loved him too, but she knew that she had to continue to grow. But she never forgot him.

Maybe I was the more serious one of our twosome. Logical. Practical. I hope I did not stop too much of his fun though. I don't think so. 

Peter Pan is an interesting story and it does not really line up with our theology at all, but it is a fun little fairytale and there is nothing wrong with that. We always had our green moon - not that it was green, but the lighting in that original Disney ride had a greenish tint as we flew around Big Ben and the Tower Bridge. That big ole moon reminded us that the world is big, but what is beyond the stars in the sky is so much bigger and so much more important. And is not is Forever Land. 

Until now, I never ever thought that when Wendy remained at home and Pan was off to the stars....that it would be our story as well. Me at home - Roger off in Forever Land.   

But...Pan's quote -  " Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgotten".......that spoke to me today. We always said "see you later" and not goodbye. And I will not say Goodbye now .....because even though he is away for the moment ....he will never be forgotten.   And the best part of our story is that one day I will also be where he is. 

In the light of eternity, I know that these days are only moments.  But thank goodness for Eternity and that Jesus gave me the opportunity to decide now to spend it with him. Yes, a decision that must be made before we draw that final breath. 

And Roger, well, that 'interesting lady' told me that she saw him standing behind me and he wanted me to talk to him. I have to admit, that I am not too prone to doing what people suggest to me, just because they suggest it.  I am more inclined to think about him and allow the tears to flow as they will. People offer up interesting ideas, and I guess that whatever gets you through the day in a healthy way is probably ok. (And yes, I saw "Ghost")  But just in case.....If you ever see me appearing to be talking to myself, don't put me in the home too quickly..who knows, maybe I will be talking to Roger.  

Roger's Lesson: I bet he would tell me that Forever Land (Eternity) is a whole lot better than Neverland and that while he loves and cares for those of us on earth, he also has some serious time to spend with His Savior. That is, after all, what who was living for. 

It may take me a while to make some sense of this day though! 
Ah....Art Therapy. It is always interesting! 

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