Today I am appreciating a special young man. He makes me think so much about Roger. I don't know if they had these Firefighter Challenges back in the day (52 years ago) when Roger first started on the Fire Department.
I do know that Roger had fitness tests to do every year in order to remain qualified to fight fires and save lives. He did things like 'dragging a dummy' and 'pulling a hose line' and something like moving a log so many feet. I never saw it in action but he told me about it often. Every year he was 'pretty sure' he could pass - yet always seemed to have hesitation. But, he always ended up satisfied with his time and results.
He used to keep us laughing too when he would talk about sitting around the firehouse eating donuts. I don't imagine there was all that much sitting although I am pretty sure there was always something good happening in the kitchen.
"I'm just a flunky fireman" he would say. That was back in the day before he became a 'firefighter' - you know, generic. I think he stated it that way so that no one else would want the job. It protected what he liked to do! He had such a funny sense of humor! And we loved his stories!
I remember him telling me about when different firefighters from KSC would do this challenge and he was always behind them. He would have been so proud of Ryan and all of the effort it took to prepare himself physically and mentally to do this. Ryan did not work at KSC, but he was certainly one of Roger's favorite young firefighters. He always saw such a passion and determination in him - along with real compassion. Yep - he would have been proud!
This makes me think about the kids we encounter along life's journey. We are not just here for ourselves. Sometimes we don't even know why God does things like lead us to teach a Sunday School class of little kids - even after ours were much older. Or to plan things for high school kids when you are getting to be an old granny. It is not ours to wonder why we are doing it, I suppose, but to just do it because God is doing the leading. And so often, it is not even the lives that you touch - learning about it because people tell you - but it is the real blessing you get because these young people touch your own life in quite remarkable ways.
I experience this all the time and I know that Roger did too.
Roger's Lesson: Invest. Invest in others in one way or another. Do what God leads you to do and really care about those in your presence. God orders the steps of man - and you get a lot out of it too, if you are letting Him do the organizing.
Yes - sometimes I try to do too much organizing, and the older I get, the more I realize that if I will invest in the kids and the praying, God will order our steps and lead us where we need to go and let us learn what we need to learn.
Because it is not about me, or them. It is about Him.
I'm thankful and so blessed that Ryan was one of those little kiddies.
Congratulations Ryan for placing 2nd! Great achievement!
Certainly we do not know whether Roger can really
'look down from Heaven' and see you - the Bible does not address that with any specifics. But we do know that if it is possible - he was and he was cheering you on.
And you'll always be one of my favorite young firefighters!
Treasure the Memories
He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.
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