Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

He called.

Oh, the things you run across when you sort through years and years of photos. Thankfully many are already digitized.

The good thing is that I am fairly well organized, so most photos are filed. The bad thing is that they are not filed with as much OCD-ness as I prefer.

In that I used less than ¼ tank of gas last week, that pretty much shows that I stayed holed up in the house all week ... sorting photos.

It was fun today to run across random photos of Roger with other people. I am trying to email them when I find them. Even though it may bring a tear or two, I think most people are finding it pretty special to have the digital image.  So often you don't really realize how special someone was in your life until they are gone. It seems a lot of people feel that about Roger and that makes me really happy. Visual images are a nice reminder also, so, yea for photography.

Roger and I  had not been on but a couple of 'lunch dates' before he went to church with me. I'll never forget the first time he picked me up for church and walked in the door at First Baptist Church of Pine Hills. "HEY ROG!"  Time and again.

How in the world did all of these people who went to church with ME - know HIM?  Roger really got around, but really, he never met a stranger. Two minutes - acquaintance - a little longer - friend. And he never forgot whomever he met - and as I am coming to see - few forgot him.

So he visited FBCPH and about 10 months later, he got married there.  Children were born and raised there. One day the church bought vacant land and said "Move west, young man!" since the church body seemed to be moving west and growth was out in that direction. At the time Good Homes Road was the edge of "no-man's land" between Pine Hills and Ocoee.

It was not long before we held the last service at FBCPH. Our photo is in front of the Sanctuary - where the crosses were a mosaic on the front wall.  I ran across a lot of other photos. I must have taken photos of every place we ever walked. Sunday School rooms where we taught first graders. The nursery where our girls were safely cared for and where we took turns watching 'all those kids' - The 'old Sanctuary' where we were married, later turned into ½ Chapel and ½ Nursery.  The fellowship hall was where we had so many dinners and showers and receptions and gatherings of all kinds. The back porch was where 'dinner on the grounds' was often hosted.  The outdoor courts where he coached basketball. We walked where the girls had school classes and choir and VBS and all manner of other activities.  Oh, and those teeny tiny restrooms - unforgettable to be sure!

We thought about the people we knew and the lives they lived. Many lived and died there, in a sense. We realized how much the "Church" is not simply a building where we attend services, but it truly is a body of believers who care deeply about one another.  It was central to our lives.

We never were 'church hoppers' - though at times, I could have been. Roger would say that "I was here first" when ever trouble arose and he was determined to stick with it -through thick and thin.  It hurt when friends moved, because it is so hard to keep up in this busy world - and we miss them . When we see each other, too often at only weddings or funerals, it is like time stood still. We love to catch up.

Thick and thin. Over the years. Tears - I think thankful tears, joyful tears are rolling down my cheeks as I think of the many people from our past who came to Roger's services. It was a shock for us - but also for them. It is such a wonderful thing to know that he really meant something to so many people. I still can't seem to fathom it.  It is still hard to think back to that day - my heart is still so full and I still can't comprehend it all.

Tonight I met a neighbor who shared that she heard about Roger from a friend of mine -from school - in Oviedo. What a small world.

One short text to only 5 people.   "Roger. Heart attack. Pray"      And I know that in every instance - that text multiplied tenfold and then some and people prayed.   And when I think that the outcome was not what I wanted, I also know that people prayed for God's will while we were focused on Roger.  People who do what Roger did never stopped working to save a life. Everyone gave a thousand percent, if not more.  And the call for prayer brought people running.

I will never forget Bro. Dexter walking into that ER calling out "HEY BROTHER ROG!" ....just like he always did. And the smile on his face turned immediately to shock when I said he was 'gone.'  He had not yet received the text that stated...
"Roger. Eternity. 5:30"    In reality, by all we know, he was already with Jesus before he left the scene almost an hour earlier.  Before I sent that first text while being driven to the hospital.

In less than an hour life changed. Time stood still. People prayed. God answered. But His answer is not always the answer we want.

Roger's Lesson: Oh - it is simple and I know it.  He would tell me...
Jesus said "Roger, come home, my child" and I did.

He always believed in being prepared, being ready for the call.  I can imagine him looking back at us, but I can not imagine him saying "wait' or 'no' to Jesus.  

I just did not think it would be so soon for him.
And yet ...reflecting back over the last six months, I can see God's hand in his life more clearly than I ever did when he was here.  I can see that all of the crazy little things that he did and said should have been showing me that he was ready for an immediate departure whenever he was called.

He lived that way on duty. I knew that.  I just did not expect it when he was not 'on duty.' And yet  - I know now that Roger was ALWAYS on duty.

And the rest of the story from my photo file ....

Eventually FBCPine Hills had a name change and we all settled in on the Ocoee campus as the Pine Hills location was sold to another church. FBC Central Florida began to reach more people as the community continued to grow. One day we voted to install a cross so that anyone could know that there were answers 'at the foot of the cross.'   It is 199 feet tall and can be seen at night from a whole lot of Orlando - indeed, even from Clermont! On a clear and dark night, it lights up the sky and you can see it from the air. In the midst of the clutter on earth - the Cross  can catch your eye.

I loved seeing it begin to light up as I drove home from Oviedo at dusk.  I love seeing it in the night sky. I love seeing a sunset behind it.

Often when Roger would be driving across town with me, he would see the cross and say "Look - The Cross - We are almost home"        

Call me thankful. There are a lot of reasons, but even from Woodlawn, Roger is within eyesight of the cross.

I am thankful that Roger went to church with me very shortly after I agreed to a date with him.

I am thankful for the leadership and guidance we both received from wise men of God.

I am thankful for friends, both near and far, with values we all embrace and lives that have been really good practice for spending eternity together.

I am especially thankful that we chose to place "The Cross" as a marker, a guide, a lighthouse, the thing that was central to our life together.   And of course, The Cross, is representative of Christ and His great redeeming love for us.

And for whomever is reading.
And for all the world.

I can't imagine getting through so great a loss without Christ and His goodness and grace. His Comfort through friends and acquaintances, through valuable teaching, and through all of the seemingly 'little' things of His Creation.

Yes, Roger.  You had your eye on The Cross, and on your Saviour. And when He called, you heard him and you were ready.  Oh, that we could all live our lives that way.

And.....thanks for the times you humored me and let me have photos of you!


  1. Another touching post. Thanks for your special sharing.

  2. I fondly remember the two of you seating in front of Dan and I at Pinehills. Always prepared to teach the little kids with his container of Crayons.
