Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


February 26, 2015

Somehow I survived it. The weather must be stabilizing. Either that or all of those little cells have self destructed so my body can truly rest. Whew!

Bubble wrap - that is all I could think of this morning. Pop Pop Pop - that exasperating, annoying, thing that makes you want to scream when someone is popping bubble wrap.   (Every time I wrapped art work for students for an art show - they would unwrap, display, and all pop the bubble wrap!  EEK --people, how do you get the art home safely? ---oh, oops Mrs T) ...oh, the memories.   My grandies do it too!

Yet, God blessed me with bubble wrap today. This should actually be no surprise.

For some reason when I took Chief for a walk to get the mail, I almost tripped going out the door.

He saved me, of course, because he always checks out my pathway before I walk it.  Kind of a God thing, I think - since he is not a service dog and was never trained to do this.

What could it be?  Perishable.  - that means - get to it fast!
Frozen - ah....wonderful for hot flashes!

God's timing is always perfect!

We took our walk, which was much more the walk today than the 'pull.'  He is learning quickly that I will stop and turn around if he pulls me.  Assertive Discipline - learned that long ago for kids - and it works for dogs too. Want a treat? Loose leash!

Chief was as anxious to get inside that styro carton as I was. Who was the mystery sender?  What was inside?

The first thing I saw was bubble wrap - and lots of it. And it was the really-big-bubble kind of bubble wrap too!

I had to stop and laugh. All of my pondering of bubble wrap today - between naps - and here on my doorstep was a box with the biggest bubbles ever!
 It was fun to dig inside. Foil with bubbles. Plastic filled with dry ice. Plastic containers filled with.....SOUP!  Amazing, frozen soup.   ELEPHANT CHICKEN SOUP.

Now, I don't know what an elephant chicken is, but I can hardly wait to find out!

Precious Punky!  Bosom Buddies!  You pray for me, you make me laugh, you have just the right Scripture message at just the right time and you are SOOOOOO used by God to bless so many people on this earth!  

And God knew, before you knew, and before I knew, that today - this very day, He needed for me to laugh about bubble wrap - and all of those self-imploding, popping cells, too!

Roger's Lesson:  You never know what God is doing, but if you just follow His leading, when He leads you - you'll be surprised at the blessing involved. 

I hope you were blessed as much today as I was, Punky!

Just think - I would have missed this blessing if I had given up, cried, pulled the covers over my head and just slept the entire day away!

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