Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Friday, February 6, 2015

New Year - Really?

It is a new year. Already.  (12:01 AM 1-1-2015)

In reality it is almost February 10 and I think that I shall never really catch up with my blogging.

Where does time go? What did I do with the last few months?

In reality - a lot. Not a lot that I had planned - hardly anything that was on my personal 'agenda' - but a lot has happened.

Sparklers - what a fun way to welcome in the new year. I always loved sparklers and the way you could write your name with them. I love the patterns they make against the darkness outdoors.
Kristin was a fan with me when she was little. Karin hated them. She does not like fire in any form.

Roger....oh, hated would put it mildly for Roger. Despised, thought they were evil items from the depths of hell. I guess he ran calls here and there over a 52 year career where kids were injured. I know he stepped on a hot one one time. He never failed to tell me about it whenever I ventured near a package of sparklers.

"People can be idiots and drop these things" he would say. Mowers run over them and they can impale someone. Someone can step on a rusty one or a hot one.

Ok I got it.  Tome children did not play with sparklers.
Tome children were not to grow up with any opportunity to become 'idiots' where sparklers were concerned.

It is funny how something that so frustrated me at the time, can seem so logical now. Age, I suppose.

It shows me how we need to really listen more and go on emotion less.

But I still think sparklers are beautiful. (However - never home launched fireworks - though they were banned items too.)

Sparklers and fireworks make me think about the new year. They make me think about excitement and what God has tucked away to be revealed within the next 'year' or span of earthly time that we will inhabit.  Eternal optimist? Perhaps.

I know that things, both good and bad, come our way - but I also know that our response to those things makes a big difference in the outcome. I've seen so much bitterness come as a side effect of different decisions and somewhere along my 40's, I just decided that it was not for me. So, eternal optimist - crazy or not - is the way I just want to be.

Sitting on the February side of the sparklers, I know that life will be far different than we had expected for 2015.  I don't know where it will lead us, but I do know that the things I have learned in 2014 will help me to survive it. I find it interesting that the very things I have been writing about while hanging onto so tightly to the memories of Roger, are also the very things that I will need to remember in 2015.

Roger's life taught me one overwhelming message - and I see now that it has run the course of this year (2014) - I always seem to come back to the same thing. And it must be important because I am not always quite so redundant. Hind-sight. Hmm.

Roger's Lesson: Make a decision today about where you will spend eternity. Then enjoy this earthly journey because it prepares you for eternity. And along the way, live each day as if it will be your last on earth - but also do not forget to plan for the future. 

Personally, I would like to exit with Jesus when He returns, but then again - Roger did too.
Almost a year - it seems like an eternity to me, and yet in eternity, Roger has been gone only moments.

Well - he might have not let me have sparklers - but he surely brought a lot of sparkle to my life!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh....I can't quit crying.... This is like a Hallmark moment... You and Roger were and still are quite a team... Think, Plan, Act he would also say....
