Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lil' Civ

 The alarm on my phone reminded me again. 5:30 pm. Roger. Eternity. For the 25th Monday. How long will it be that 5:30 Monday - each Monday - is like reliving the day over and over again? My arm is wrapped like it was on Feb. 10 - but I did not rip off the bandages and run out to the hospital today. But - there was still a lump in my throat and a tightness gripping my heart.

In many way, life has moved on, It has to. Life moves even if you don't so it makes sense to "go with the flow" at least to some degree. Roger would never have wanted us to stay in a rut.

 I knew this day was coming. I knew that the timing of it all was not in my hands, but I knew that I could trust God with the outcome. I knew that Karin had to be ready. I knew that she was waiting on God for her answer.  Interestingly though, it has not been a time of being anxious but rather, a time of expectation.  

Roger's car, formerly titled to Karin, has been in its appointed spot for several months. It is comforting to look out the window and see it. Well, both comforting and sad at the same time. It needs to be driven and it needs to be loved. Her Daddy bought that car for his baby girl when she graduated from college. He had to practically rip the keys out of her tightly closed fists when his last car met its demise in October. Clever man that he was, he 'borrowed' it from her, talked her into a new car and did not make her totally give it up.  So like her dad, she does not believe in giving up on something before it has outlived its lifespan.  Lil' Civic only had 164,000 miles on it. A half-life for a Honda!

Prayer prepared our hearts. Prayer put together a need as well as a buyer that would have thrilled Roger's soul. We did nothing, really. 

Roger's Lesson:  When you let God work things out, you have no worries, no stress, just joy.

Yes. Joy. Joy for a young man whose mama needs for him to drive, Joy for a young man with a servant's heart and a great work ethic. And God has such a sense of humor - a brother of the joyful young man is a firefighter - and a special one to Roger too!   

This clearly was orchestrated by God!

And our prayer, of course, is that Lil' Civic serves him as well as it did Karin. And that, like Roger, he will say "safety first" as he drives. 

And, of course, that he really enjoys opening that moon roof and singing praises to God at the top of his lungs!

Keep that shield penny on the dash, DM, and keep your eyes open for many more. Each time you get one, think of him enjoying your joy. We know you'll make "Mr. Tome" proud!

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