Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


They had this game, RoRo and Emily.  They sat on their special bench and played 'car counting.'   You picked a color and counted how many cars passed that were that color. 

Roger always picked a crazy color. Neon green. Baby Blue. 
Emily almost always picked  black or white. 

Statistically speaking, how many cars do you think would be black as compared to neon green?  Who was going to be the likely winner here? 

Roger knew how to make people feel like a winner. 

He taught Emily to make a quick decision and to be confident. Somehow he managed to teach her to evaluate a situation and make a good statistical choice too. 

They did this when he was drinking coffee and she was eating ice cream.  He reminded me of the children's book the girls had  - "The Old Man and the Afternoon Cat."     They had this afternoon routine, the two of them. They were at perfect peace when they were together.  And I don't think he liked it very much when kindergarten and first grade started taking up her afternoons. It seriously cut into their car counting time. 

Their bench is quite possibly one of Emily's favorite places in the world. I'm sure it is hard to sit there without him.  Indeed, something is missing on this bench - someONE important. 

Today I am thinking, quite selfishly, about how our girls had their grandaddy until they were adults.  He did not spend nearly as much time with them as Roger did with Emily and Jacob though.  I hope that as they grow older and time passes, that they always remember how wonderfully special they were to him.

It makes me really sad that Roger had so much more wonderful knowledge and wisdom to impart to them - things they would only understand as they grew older - and that they are going to miss out on that time with him. 

I guess that is a  really sad thing about life,  we all have a measure of wisdom and a unique perspective to share, and so often we don't take or make the time to do it.  And then it is too late. 

I guess most grandparents would just love to spend more time with their grandchildren. We are especially blessed that they liked spending time with us. I think we were fun.  I hope that I stay fun.   

I'm thankful that the 'parental units' aka Kristin and Jim  - pretty much seem to like having the ' 'grandparental units' so handy.  It's a nice trade. They get free time, we get to spoil these babies - um, young people.   And we always tried to behave ourselves - except for Roger and ice creme - 

I know that Emily made him feel so young - she is so like Kristin -   I remember his parents saying that about Karin - she is so like him.  They would tell me that it is like they got their youth back again. 

As I am thinking about the time Roger loved spending with them - and what he is going to be missing - God showed me once again how His way is perfect. 

We know that Roger's departure was instant - that he did not feel a thing - one step here, the next in Heaven.  

And yet - had he lingered, he would have certainly been thinking about his precious children and grandchildren - not wanting them to suffer or be sad - but also thinking about how hard it would be to leave them.   In a way, it is comforting that he did not have that decision or choice.   That would have been a pain so heavy for him. 

Roger's Lesson:  He would say to invest in those that God placed in your family. Impart wisdom, talk about important things, do things that help children feel confident and important - and wise.   And enjoy them every day of your life if you can manage it! 

And young people who don't make the most of those "grandparental units" - ah there is no telling what you, and your children are missing.  Old and ornery as we can be - there is still something kinda unique about old folks.  

It's always a good day when you can hug someone a few decades older than you are! 

The glory of young men is their strength,  but the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old. Proverbs 20:29

1 comment:

  1. Judi, this may be my favorite one yet. Tender. Sweet. Inspiring. Challenging. Wonderful. Timeless.
