It's been a busy week with therapy, getting kiddos ready for school, and fighting with my external hard drives.
The world has passed by and I have hardly even noticed. That's the bad thing about becoming so absorbed with something.
I challenged myself to get this overwhelming load of photos scanned and neatly on an external drive - and to get rid of boxes and boxes of prints. I somehow wonder if it is really worth the effort, no matter how efficient it will be afterward. It has been fun to recall a lot of school memories though as I have scanned the TMA years.
The problem with projects is that it is too easy to withdraw from the world when a project calls.
Roger would forever ask what I was doing.
These days, I rather wish that I had taken more walks with him - well, trying to keep up with him. I wish I had said ok to trying out new restaurants more - though it would have also required walking more. Yes, I am re-thinking my 'need for organization' - it may be better just to toss all of the stuff.
But photos - how do you toss precious memories. Photos do make you recall them, don't they?
During the blistering heat of summer, it seemed to be a good time for it. I don't care for the heat. Yea for air conditioning - blessed is the man who invented it! Truly a gift from God!
I also miss updates on what is going on at the Space Center. The happenings over there have been almost central to our lives for 42 years - what NASA scheduled, we worked around. Roger took his responsibilities over there seriously - especially where it involved the safety of people.
I think one of the saddest things of his life was when we gave our space program to the Russians. He was so against it. It affected so many people.
Thankfully, NASA likes Facebook, so I can still keep up with the new happenings over there. This would have made Roger very happy - to see new energy, new life, new adventures at KSC.
SpaceX is coming. The testing is happening and it will soon be time for a launch. I read a request tonight about NASA inviting social media peeps to join them. I almost applied. Would I make the of only 50? My audience is not big enough, but it is a special demographic. But I don't tweet or twitter or whatever it is called that only allows you a few characters to get your message across.
I still laugh at how Roger worked in one of the most technologically advanced places on the planet but he still used a go phone. He would have used a pager, still, if NASA had not cancelled them. He was such a funny guy!
Roger's Lesson: He would tell me that at the moment I am doing ok. "Keep finding something that makes you laugh" he would say. And he would tell me to spend at least as much time with people as I do on projects.
I'll keep working on that. But not while it is so blistering hot.
The groundhog comes out to see if it is getting warmer.
I step out to see if it is getting cooler.
Oh, Florida! God placed me here to bloom where I am planted. This bloom needs the AC though.
In the wee hours of this fine morning, I will look out - to the eastern sky - where I would see that launch - but also where I am watching for my Jesus to return - more brilliant than any launch that man could imagine!
I can hardly wait.
Treasure the Memories
He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.
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