Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Or Mayonnaise

Roger wasn't much for fake anything. He would have said, though, that life was too short to leave off the mayonnaise. How often did I say "Would you like a little meatloaf with your mayonnaise?"   He was picky about mayonnaise was Hellman's, period.  Oh, I low that I fussed too much about mayonnaise. 

But people, he did people well. Fake or not fake, friend or stranger, he just loved people. And he really respected people who were just plain old real...for the good or bad of it, just real. 

He always thought that if you could just be would be so much easier.  And if you needed help, he felt it was so much easier TO help if you knew what you we're dealing with. You can't really disagree with that, and he handled enough emergencies that he would have known that old! 

Here's hoping that I can remember that I don't have to fly solo unless I determine to do it that way. Family and friends always want to lend a hand, if they know a hand is needed...or a hug. Roger was always a very present help in time of need It was not always that I needed someone to do for me, but his gift was clearly that of helps. He really lived what Christ taught.  In so many little ways. Those will be so missed! 

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