Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Almost A Week

It is already Friday, but Thursday was a really good day. My Oldie Goldies keep me laughing and care so much. (Not unlike so many friends, by the way)....I am still so overwhelmed that so many people have been and continue to pray for us during this time. I am learning to spread it around much more than I ever have. Prayer received really does make a difference.

Today I added an artistic touch to a 5K project for the town. That was therapeutic. More news on the Windermere 5K later.

We "goodies" have a monthly lunch and we never really know who is coming. It is always fun to see who God brings together and we do our best NOT to schedule doctor's appointments on our Third Thursdays. The timing was perfect this month and I am so glad that it was another 'first' that I faced. We had friends young and old....I so enjoy the children of kids who were students at TMA. The generations expand! And we laughed.  If you don't have young people in your life - find some. If you don't hang with people who can make you laugh...and hopefully you make them laugh too....then change it up a bit at find some. Of course, that common bond we all have is Christ in us, and He makes ALL the difference! 

Later on....Emily baked cookies with me all afternoon and we made 'Ro-Ro's famous stew'. We planned to take his crock pot to the fire station. Firefighters can never have too many crock pots! And the lesson here is:  Never take a dish somewhere empty. And Roger would fill it to overflowing too! 

The registration form for the TMA Mediterranean trip is complete and should launch on Friday. I was very weird to have overseas travel as a focus today, but continuing to move on, we must do...and those kids were waiting to sign up. There is so much for kids to learn in this big ole world that God gave us! 

Now it is time to sleep, yet I am restless. Friday brings an appointment to clean out Roger's locker at KSC. I am not quite sure that I am ready for this, but the girls seem to be, and so I shall support them. It is both heartbreaking and encouraging to think about seeing the amazing firefighters who made ⅓ of Rogers days so much fun. 
Maybe I will put on some makeup when I get up. Maybe it will stay on all day. Maybe this bandaid won't hurt awfully when I rip it off. First of first times lately. Now sleep, those of you who are still up. I will be praying for rest for many as I drift off. 

Don't you love the photo of the cross. It was made entirely of roses, about three feet tall, and on a stand. The flowers/Woodlawn story is for another time, but suffice it to say that I am so thankful that someone suggested that we bring flowers home and we take them back later. (Woodlawn tosses them as soon as the guests leave) ...I placed this cross on my counter be enjoyed for days!)


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