Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Friday, February 28, 2014

See the Need

This photo is not actually from this day in time, but it accurately reflects "our spot" on Food Truck Fridays. Town Hall beside us, food trucks in front of us, lots of friends and neighbors all around.  Tonight the weather was particularly lovely so it was PACKED. If it had even been light enough outside, you would not have been able to see the grass!

Tonight was the second anniversary of food trucks in town, and we hardly ever missed. Well, I missed if it was too hot and buggy, or too freezing, or wet. (But that is just me and my weather thing)

"Our" routine was perfectly planned. I would gather up the folding table and chairs on Friday morning and load them in the golf cart by early afternoon. Often Emily and I would bake cupcakes or little treats for our table.  Around 4 PM, well before the trucks arrived, Roger would hop on the cart and tote everything down to the appointed place and set it all up for us. Sometimes he would just sit and enjoy the happenings as the trucks started rolling in and setting up their generators. 

Sooner or later, we would all drift down there, hungry generally. Good old dad would hand out cash, to each of us, because it would be far to simple for everyone to order from the same food truck and have one person pay.  Ah, but it gets better....he would hold the fort and we would deliver to him some delicacy that half the time we could not even see by the time we were eating it. (Darkness would fall upon us).... friends would stop by and chat and the evening would pass too quickly....and most of the time everyone would fold up their own chair and tote it back to the golf cart for the trip home. 

Got that picture? Not so tonight! It was another first and we had NO plan. Were we there when the trucks arrived so we did not have to stand in an hour long line? Oh no!  Did we have a place to sit and even rest our flimsy plate? Oh no!  Did we think about how we were going to pay for our food? (Well, mom did....oh yes, I did learn something about the need for cash)
It was crazy and not at all the same as the last time we had food truck night with Roger. 

We even scouted around with neighbors to see who was going to now handle the table.  Want to take a guess how many positive offers were out there? Lots of laughs, but zilch, nada, none. Seriously people!  Where is this servants heart of which we often speak? Roger showed it to us all the time!

Oh this family...we are a mess!  If Roger was looking down on us tonight he was probably rolling with laughter. He probably wonders how we are going to figure anything out, and poor default he is probably going to have to take on that servant role when it comes to food truck night. 

I must admit though...we did find one with a servant's heart in the crowd. Unfortunately he lives in Texas and is rarely in town on Food Truck Night. But he was willing!  

What's the lesson here?  I suppose it is that we had better keep on laughing because we are such a mess that we might as well laugh about it. But we probably also should remember to look around and "see the need" (Jim says that all the time).   And then don't wait on someone else to see the need and help, just see the need yourself and jump right in. 

Surely did miss my table toter tonight. Sure, we made it without him, but it certainly was not the same without his fun and laugher. 

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