Treasure the Memories

He left us too quickly. Suddenly. As if it really was in the twinkling of an eye. One step on the sidewalk, the next one on the golden streets in Heaven. It is hard to wrap my earthly mind around this, but Roger's favorite Bible stories were about Enoch, Elijah and Elisha, so maybe this exit should not surprise me. I know God is faithful and that Roger believed that God numbered our days from beginning to end and in living every day fully and completely. He loved God. He loved people. I don't want to forget the lessons he taught me by living it. So I write.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Newspaper Clippings

What is in a date? Do I try to read something into it?  We cleaned out Roger's locker at KSC and among his vast collection of papers of reference, we found one copy of the West Orange Times. What was so odd about it was the date on that paper. February 10. (2011)   Clearly he did not clean out his locker any too often, but that date. I just froze in place when I saw it.  He left us on February 10, 2014. What was the relevance of that date?  In a newspaper?

I know better than to continually question: why? did he know something and not tell us?  etc. etc. etc.  It does no good and it does not change the outcome. Why put myself through all of that?
Even puzzled me.

So, last week I faced up to checking into those mysterious bins of 'locker stuff'." Roger was not too much of a collector of the normal sort of collectible things. We have space program stuff only because I took it away from him. He saved things like incandescent light bulbs, but not too much else.  Interesting, is what I would call that collection, and then I came across that newspaper again. What was it all about?

It moved to the 'sort' pile again. Next up was gathering all of the assorted papers and memorabilia and putting it into chronological order in notebooks. Why? I don't know. I have this need for order and I needed to get my mind clear for the next project, which I knew could stand to be very emotional.  In the process, that newspaper surfaced again.

I decided to keep only the front page so I would remember to reflect back on it perhaps a year, to see if any new information surfaced. Karin told me to keep the whole thing. So, as I was unfolding that half-folded paper, at the bottom of the page, I found something very interesting.

Roger's smiling face.
In a photo.
At the bottom of page 1. 

  He kept a photo of himself? That did not make any sense. Nor did it make sense that he would keep a photo of himself smiling. He did not care at all for photos!  I recalled that the occasion was an open house at the new Congressional office for Congressman Daniel Webster.  These guys were long time friends. Roger took it personally to deliver Precinct 129 to Dan, and he met a lot of people along the way who voted, just because he asked them to consider Dan. Yes, politics was one of his hobbies and he was faithful to his chosen candidates but he actually walked streets for only a precious few. 

So, I am guessing he took a lot of pleasure out of being in this photo.  Interestingly, he had only a few photos in his locker. The family made it in...whew!  So did Congressman Webster, and former Fl Governor Jeb Bush.  And if he had a photo, I am sure Ronald Reagan would have been there too.  But I am just as sure that after he checks in with his favorite Bible characters, he will be hunting down good ole Ronnie! He will be no less concerned about knocking on all the doors in those mansions over the hilltops (in Heaven) than he ever was in Precinct 129.

Yes, Roger is going to be busy for it is good that eternity is a very long time. He found people so very interesting, and he learned so much while he was with us here, that he will have a lot to think about and talk with others about. He has to be loving the ability to worship right at the feet of Jesus right now, and hearing the most glorious singing, and thinking about who he will visit with when he gets the chance. Do I think all of that is part of Heaven? I do. If it is better than things on earth, then I just don't suppose we will be bogged down with the trivial, but be focused on the glorious and the important. And to Roger, people were pretty important. 

Now, Congressman Webster would probably tell you pretty quickly that he was just 'Danny from Pine Hills'...and at one time, yes he was. And he still is in many ways. But he would also tell you that certain things should not be achieved under your own power, that it takes ordinary people doing ordinary things, but with God in the mix, the most unreal things can happen. Many years ago, even Roger never thought he would be in a photo with a Congressman, but he believed deeply that this man could make a difference in our country. A difference, because he was different. In no way self absorbed, always thinking of those to whom he was called to serve.  (yes, called. Unusual, right? )  
God and Country, and in that order. Roger really liked people like that and he was like that himself, though he would never admit it. And that did not necessarily mean they always agreed, but Roger always had faith that HIS Congressman would make the wise decisions based upon God's leading.

Roger's lesson for the day just might be to have faith in regular, ordinary people who let God lead and direct their paths, and then they follow God's leading. That could be you. That could be me. He could just be telling me to continue to seek out that kind of person and support what they do.

I'll be thinking a lot about that one. Jacob told the Congressman that he would take over for Roger in Precinct 129. I'll be "thinking about" knocking on doors of people I don't even know. That would be one great big step for this gal. But this I do know. I have had a great example of how to find people you can believe in and support.

And I too will continue to have faith, encourage, and challenge others.
I think that just might be a pretty good way to finish out this journey!

But for now, I want Roger to talk to EVERYONE in Heaven before I meet him there. Then he can be all mine again.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I put this up at the Fire Station next to his picture.
